Watch new gay movies

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The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) Here are our top 20 gay movies to inspire a nice slice of wanderlust:Ģ0. In our list below we've included a wide mix of locations where LGBTQ stories took place, making sure that the setting is as compelling as the narrative itself. Whether it’s a lesbian love story set in bustling New Delhi, a romance between two farmers in the hills of Yorkshire, a group of outcasts amid the Barcelonian underground scene, or falling in love for the first time in the center of a quiet Italian village gay movies prove how queer people exist in all walks of life in every corner of the world. There’s nothing like a well-crafted LGBTQ story to ignite our obsession for a new location! And then there’s those of us who love getting wanderlust from the big screen. A few even ask their friends for recommendations. Some people get their inspiration for travel online. In these 20 best gay movies to watch, we've included a mix of stunning locations where LGBTQ stories took place, to inspire your next adventure!

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