Vintage gay black porn police

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Rogan hits all the bodybuilding poses until his muscles bulge. He's shredded and massive, with a hairy chest and pierced nipples. They finish the officer off with post-orgasmic torment before leaving him hanging in the cell for the other officers to find.Ĭaleb Colton & Mitchell Rock in Cock Tease, Scene #02, Circus strong man Rogan Richards likes to admire himself in the full-length mirror in the props tent. After a little tickle torment, Sebastian eats the officer's ass as Van finally milks a load out of his aching cock. They then suspend Officer Maguire in the jail cell and suck on his toes while continuing to edge his cock. The muscled officer is stripped naked and bent over the desk as the two pervs spread his cheeks and shove a dildo up his ass while Sebastian feeds him a cock down his throat. They tear away the officer's uniform and whip out his cock, teasing him with their tongues and the hitachi's on his cock head. Before Officer Maguire can call for back up the two pervs gang up on him and tie him down to the chair. They quickly hide under the bed when Officer Maguire busts down the door and takes the two pervs into custody. After discovering a captive sex slave, Van and Sebastian frantically run around Trenton Ducati's house as they hear the police sirens closing in on them.

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Officer Maguire edged and fucked by two perverts.

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