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Hope in a Ballet Shoe -Michaela and Elaine DePrince This is the special 10th anniversary edition with more superheroes in it, I’d recommend paying the extra! Just the title of this grabbed me, I read it in one sitting the day I bought it and I am SO glad that I picked it up! There are awesome illustrations, great original ideas and I’d happily read this again.

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It’s not as exciting as I hoped for but I still have a fair bit of it left so hopefully it will pick up!Īll my friends are superheroes – Andrew Kaufman It’s a typical boy/girl YA read by the looks of things and I’ve already started it. This was recommended to me by my friend Becky who I met at book club. A teenage girl, an older man and attacks happening around town? Count me in.Īnother one of my wandering finds as I was looking for another one of Kaufman’s book (which I’ll talk about later) the plot sounded weird and wacky and the Tiny Wife is one of many characters in this book.

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This was one of my recent finds in the YA section at Waterstone’s it was tucked away but immediately got my attention. This months books are a mix of shop bought, reccommendations and a few on the amazon 3 for £10 offer that I am in love with. Hello to my lovely readers! It’s time for this months book haul and this month it’s more than my normal six books because I won an amazon voucher for some writing I did for Endsleigh Student Insurance company!

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